April 26, 2021
As a company that is focused on Ethical, Trustworthy and Fair AI, we felt it imperative to share recent announcements from both the European Union (EU) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) surrounding new AI laws and guidance which will impact all AI adoption globally. These announcements have been in the offing for the last […]
Stuart Battersby
July 9, 2020
AI models can achieve very high accuracy (this is particularly true with contemporary deep learning methods) and can churn through data at a much higher rate than is possible with humans. This has led to their deployment in decision making systems across various industries. In general, these systems are trained (that is, taught how to […]
Stuart Battersby
May 22, 2020
Are you ready? Governments and regulators now have well established regulations in place for managing data including the security and privacy implications associated with these. However, as AI is now being regularly deployed within organisations, countries around the world are looking at how it should be regulated. Some regulation builds upon (or is inherent within) […]