February 20, 2023
Our CTO, Dr Stuart Battersby, joined leaders from around the world in The Hague in February 2023 to present at the REAIM conference on Responsible AI. You can see the talk below: How to Scale Responsible AI Across Government & Military Read any article about AI today and you’re likely to be reminded of the need […]
Stuart Battersby
November 24, 2022
What is unique about machine learning and AI compared to traditional rules-based systems? Well, amongst various things, a key point is that AI learns from a training dataset instead of explicitly being coded with rules to follow. There is a huge focus on Responsible AI (aka Ethical or Trustworthy AI) – and rightly so. However, […]
July 27, 2022
Each of the main cloud vendors now have AI offerings that allow organizations to easily, build, train and deploy AI models. This may be AWS Sagemaker, Azure ML, Google Cloud Vertex or one of the other many excellent offerings. These tools sometimes have some a base level of additional tooling such as explainbility (often a […]
Stuart Battersby
July 7, 2022
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming prevalent across all business sectors. Whilst the big headlines focus on use cases like self-driving cars and digital assistants such as Alexa, most of the time AI technologies are used to automate human decision making in less flashy scenarios. Your credit card or mortgage application is likely reviewed by an […]